454 Fun Research Topics & Questions in 30+ Disciplines

Sometimes, the process of choosing a research topic can take longer than writing a paper itself. So, once you find your perfect theme, consider that you are halfway there.

Here are some excellent ideas that might help you kick-start your projects.

🔝 Top 10 Fun Research Topics

  1. The history and evolution of video games.
  2. The role of pets in reducing stress.
  3. The rise of TikTok and its impact on popular culture.
  4. The history of fashion trends.
  5. The influence of memes on social behavior.
  6. The history and cultural significance of tattoos.
  7. The effects of DIY culture on creativity and consumerism.
  8. The psychology of FOMO in the age of social media.
  9. The effects of binge-watching on mental health.
  10. The science behind dreams.

🌳 How to Choose Fun Research Topics?

A choice of your research topic ensures that the entire process of composing, writing, and proofreading will be pleasing. The tree below illustrates the main steps to pick the best variant.
Follow it and come to an end with a good topic to write about.

Choosing a Topic.

You can use it as a brainstorming technique or mini-guide to find good subjects. Your goal is to make the topic non-trivial. The main rule is: if something is boring to write about, it will be boring to read, and vice versa.

🧬 Interesting Topics to Research in Biology

  1. Biomedical engineering: the path to a new human being or another medical instrument?
  2. Living matter: self-organized chaos or a perfectly planned structure?
  3. The concept of seed germination.
  4. Natural or planned selection: the benefits and drawbacks of each method.
  5. How does genetics cause human obesity, and why do some people have more chances of being overweight?
  6. Terrorism using chemical and biological agents.
  7. Ethical issues of cloning: will we ever resolve them, and can they be ignored?
  8. Does our immune system have a resistance capacity?
  9. Dental caries: the microbiology of tooth decay.
  10. Fertilizers: the negative effect on nutritious qualities of natural food.

🌏 Fun Things to Research in Earth Science

  1. The impact of economic changes on sea life.
  2. Earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan and the Indian Ocean.
  3. Will humanity ever learn to live without an environment?
  4. Noise pollution: how does it impact animal life on our planet?
  5. Climate science in the modern world.
  6. Bioremediation: the fastest way to clean our world from human-made pollution.
  7. The rise of the average temperature on the planet causes an increase in wildfires.
  8. The methods of weather prediction: are they accurate?
  9. Power generation from wind energy.
  10. Lighting: the unstudied natural source of energy.

⚗️ Chem Research Paper Topics

  1. How will it change our life if we invent a way to create all the chemical elements without extracting them from the Earth?
  2. Genetically modified food: safety and regulations.
  3. Food dyes: are they safe enough for daily consumption?
  4. Chemical reactions that produce energy: natural sources of fuel.
  5. Solar energy in hydrogen production and use in fuel cells.
  6. To which extent do pesticides affect water quality, and what can be done to eliminate their influence?
  7. Artificial intelligence in chemistry: the perspectives of resolving eternal questions.
  8. Chemical dependency and interventions.
  9. What are the essential equilibrium chemical reactions in the human body?
  10. PCR-based diagnostics for pathogens in food.
  11. Silicon: the new semiconductor in corrective surgery.
  12. Phensuprin separation using the acid-base extraction process.

🧲 Fun Research Paper Topics in Physics

  1. Patterns in engineering: development and use of models.
  2. Einstein and his contribution to science.
  3. Describe the thermal energy of an air conditioner.
  4. Electricity’s discovery and generation.
  5. Who wins it all: exploring the history of the Nobel Prize in physics.
  6. Is the end of the universe a physically predictable event?
  7. Atoms are the building blocks of the universe. Does it mean that everything has the same structure?
  8. Isaac Newton’s laws of motion.
  9. Why is time travel impossible from the point of view of a modern physicist?
  10. The controversy of nuclear power.
  11. Air resistance is the only limit for ultrasonic vehicles.
  12. The major advantages of shifting power supplies to renewable sources.

🔭 Fun Research Topics in Astronomy

  1. The discovery of exoplanets: are they similar to our planet?
  2. Solar system formation.
  3. Black holes: the secret of light penetration.
  4. The history of the use of a telescope.
  5. Stars and their lifespan: Evolution of the Sun and its effect on the Earth.
  6. Light pollution and its implications for astronomers.
  7. What led to the formation of the Solar System?
  8. What is more dangerous to our planet, comets or asteroids?
  9. The causes of northern lights and how this phenomenon can be used practically.
  10. Could Venus be another Earth for living creatures?

🗿 Anthropology Research Paper Topics

  1. Evolution – the genetic legacy of the Mongols.
  2. The mystery of skin color: the influence of natural conditions and environment on the genesis of races.
  3. Canadian identities in their diversity.
  4. The recent evolution of women’s role in African countries.
  5. The historical & political relation between anthropology & human rights.
  6. The impact of religion and cultural background on the practices of burying the dead.
  7. Gender and culture in Hurston’s anthropology work.
  8. The social, economic, and cultural causes of alcoholism in Eastern Europe.
  9. Mesoamerican ballgame: the origin, cultural, formal, and material aspects.
  10. The long-term effect of manual labor on the development of Homo Sapiens.
  11. What threats does depression have in South-East Asia?
  12. Forbidden archeology: hidden history of human race.
  13. Creation or evolution: evidential support of the two views of human origin.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Sociology Research Paper Topics

  1. Domestic violence: factors and reasons.
  2. Why does racism still exist in modern times, and is there a way to eliminate it?
  3. Same-sex marriage: the future effect of the new social phenomenon.
  4. Same-sex civil rights and domestic partnerships.
  5. The quality of life: what are the main criteria, and who defines them?
  6. Gender health inequalities – gender and health.
  7. Shopping and consumerism: why are they the trends in contemporary society, and what are the effects?
  8. Connection between war and poverty.
  9. Class inequalities are a thing of the past, but racial differences are not.
  10. War on drugs: implication on the criminal justice system.
  11. Could feminism become more effective if it used different methods?
  12. What are the causes of domestic terrorism?
  13. Should people have a right to own a gun?

⚖️ Government Research Paper Topics

  1. The concern over the growing polarization in USA.
  2. How do politicians fund their campaigns?
  3. China’s economic, social, political, and cultural issues.
  4. What are the fundamental human rights granted by democracy?
  5. Separation of powers, checks & balances, and federalism.
  6. Analyze the differences between R. Reagan and R. Nixon.
  7. The influence of interest groups on the US political system.
  8. Is presidency a privilege, duty, or obligation?
  9. Nationalism and development in the countries of Latin America.
  10. Why do people vote for parties or candidates that surely will never win?
  11. Political parties, interests and pressure groups.
  12. Describe real-life examples of successful political campaigns.

🤔 Topics to Research in Psychology

  1. A narcissistic personality disorder is incurable because narcissists never admit they have a problem.
  2. Effects of poverty on mental health.
  3. Is love a chemical reaction? People’s tendency to self-persuasion.
  4. Traumatic experience in childhood and personality disorders.
  5. What are the psychological consequences of abortion in women who went through the surgery?
  6. Erikson’s psychosocial theory of human development.
  7. Preventive therapy of depression in everyday life.
  8. Does growing in a single-parent family affect child’s psychology?
  9. Child’s aggression: in-born or acquired?
  10. Depression among college students.
  11. People with addictions always find those who would like to rehabilitate them.
  12. Healthcare provider burnout: challenges to address.
  13. Is autistic spectrum disorder a disease or a separate branch of human development?

🗾 Fun Topics to Research in Geography

  1. Landslides are predictable and should be mapped.
  2. Disaster management, process and leadership.
  3. Viability of historical heritage in contemporary cities.
  4. Greenhouse effect and global warming.
  5. Cities built around oil deposits: success stories.
  6. Desalination in Saudi Arabia.
  7. What are the positive effects of a volcanic eruption?
  8. How the environment affects health and why this is an important global health policy concern.
  9. Classification of mountains and their examples.
  10. Political geography. China’s interest in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  11. How does climate affect a country’s economic prosperity?
  12. Geographic information system, connecting databases.
  13. Historical causes of soil type formation.

💰 Interesting Topics to Research in Economics

  1. Organized crime in Russia and the impact on the economy.
  2. Is universal basic income a necessary right in a democratic society?
  3. China’s role in the world economy.
  4. Does a country have to support businesses during a crisis period?
  5. Economic crimes and oil and gas transactions.
  6. World Trade Organization Good and Bad Aspects.
  7. Gender and global political economy.
  8. The effect of immigrants on a country’s economy.
  9. Does the protectionism of domestic producers lead to the GDP increase?
  10. Economic impact of legalizing marijuana.
  11. Are international trade agreements beneficial to the US?
  12. Laws of business competition in Australia.
  13. The influence of trade warfare with China on the IT companies in the US.

🎨 Art Research Paper Topics

  1. Is it possible to replace an artist with digital technologies?
  2. Museum of Fine Arts — West Wing and renovation.
  3. Point of view: art copies the outside world.
  4. The Australian High Court architecture.
  5. Is book illustration a full-fledged art or a tool enriching the text?
  6. How gangsta rap and rock music address violence, racism, and social issues.
  7. Music is a universal art, but it requires musical education to be understood.
  8. “Couleur du Temps” painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt.
  9. Contemporary art mimics the previous epochs, never creating anything new.
  10. American art and American identity.
  11. Artist’s eyes: Individualistic perception of the world.
  12. Andy Warhol’s paintings.
  13. Stages of a creative process: Do muses exist?

🎭 Art History Research Paper Topics

  1. Art Movements in History: Baroque.
  2. Art history: The mirror of the development of human perception of the world.
  3. The life and art of Leonardo Da Vinci.
  4. Art Nouveau vs. Art Deco: Intersection points.
  5. History of Islamic art and architecture.
  6. The myths about Van Gogh and his mental disorder.
  7. Middle Eastern history and culture: from Muhammad to 1800.
  8. The evolution of artistic techniques through ages.
  9. Claude Monet: The painter of one lake.
  10. The uprising of Hip-Hop: music history.
  11. Deciphering abstract art and its messages.
  12. Gothic and Renaissance art.
  13. Picasso vs. Matisse: The titans of Cubism.

📽️ Film Research Paper Topics

  1. The “Joker” movie and the public perception of mental illness.
  2. Contemporary cartoons as a form of social satire.
  3. Character transformation in the “Fight Club.”
  4. The qualities of a talented film director: how to become one.
  5. Character identity in “The Umbrella Academy.”
  6. Tolerance and respect for diversity in modern filmmaking.
  7. Italian Americans portrayed as mafia members in films.
  8. Dances with Wolves’ movie: colonialism and post-colonialism.
  9. Is non-commercial cinema more artistic than commercial one?
  10. Metropolis: the most successful sci-fi film.
  11. The category of a hero who saves the world in American films.
  12. Children’s sexuality in the “Out in the Dark.”
  13. The film adaptation of literature: when motion pictures beat the book.

📖 Literature Research Paper Topics

  1. Shakespeare’s Influence on English Language.
  2. Gender of the main character: A statistical study.
  3. “The Great Gatsby” novel by Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
  4. The Divine Comedy: Biblical Allusions.
  5. The purposes of ancient epic literature and how they manifested themselves in its form.
  6. “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelly.
  7. What makes up good poetry?
  8. Death of a Salesman by A. Miller Review.
  9. Vampires in literature: from Bram Stoker to Stephenie Meyer.
  10. Communistic ideals in dystopian novels.
  11. Katrina Srigley’s Book “Breadwinning Daughters.”
  12. Landscapes in literature: the most famous word artists.
  13. Gender and sexuality in William Shakespeare’s plays.

🛖 Interesting Things to Research about Architecture

  1. Construction planning with emphasis on time and resources.
  2. Is globalization detrimental to culture-specific architecture?
  3. Small space living: the decay or new breath of architecture?
  4. Building rating systems in Australia.
  5. Recycled materials in construction and how they influence modern architecture.
  6. West Gate Bridge project case study.
  7. Energy-zero homes and energy-positive buildings as our future reality.
  8. Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal: architectural history.
  9. Office centers as the new form of art.
  10. Possible ways to improve rural housing in low-income areas.
  11. Impact of computer technology on architecture.
  12. Propose five feasible ways to reuse a former psychiatric hospital.
  13. Concept of vertical urbanism as a solution of high-density living.

🤪 Interesting Things to Research for Fun

  1. What are the boundaries of ethical egoism?
  2. The impact of social media on online courses.
  3. Plastic surgery: The person’s own business or an ethical issue?
  4. What are the similarities between animal and human languaged?
  5. If a family member turns out to be a criminal, should we report them?
  6. The value of digital privacy in an information technology age.
  7. Should the rich support the poor? List the possible consequences.
  8. How does humor affect personal relations?
  9. Physician-assisted suicide is neither murder nor suicide.
  10. In the globalized technological world, contact details are no longer private.
  11. The American government’s ban on Tik-Tok.
  12. Animal testing of vaccines: could we abandon the practice?
  13. Should hospitals have the right to decide on a child’s treatment if the parents are against it?
  14. Relation between polarization and Biden.
  15. Punishment for law violations should be proportionate to the scope of the delinquent’s responsibility.
  16. Effects of horror movies on young children.
  17. Should developed countries interfere in military conflicts of third-world countries?
  18. Pros and cons of Canada’s relationships with US.

📇 Fun Business Research Paper Topics

  1. Gender etiquette in business: is it a relic of the past?
  2. Sources of finance for hospitality business.
  3. The extent to which verbal arrangements matter in business.
  4. Network technology in modern business.
  5. Who is responsible for the job satisfaction of employees?
  6. Law for small business partnership in Australia.
  7. Profit vs. social responsibility: neither could exist separately.
  8. Business strategies and challenges in the mobile service industry.
  9. Who should act as the moral police in a company?
  10. The difference between industrial/organizational and business psychology.
  11. When burnt out, should employees get more work or days off?
  12. Stress negatively affects the decision-making process of business leaders.
  13. Biased opinions: their causes and ways to tackle them.

🛐 Religion Research Paper Topics

  1. Christian religious fundamentalism and family role identities.
  2. Religious education at home is the total discretion of parents.
  3. Comparison of Jewish and Muslim experiences.
  4. Can religious ethics justify military conflicts?
  5. Religion: understanding a diverse society.
  6. The innocence of children in different religions.
  7. Human rights from the perspective of Islam.
  8. End of the world in Christianity and other religions.
  9. Pagan traditions that preserved in Christianity.
  10. Women in muslim societies: the kingdom of strangers.
  11. How does religion influence politics in modern countries?
  12. Karma, Dharma and Samsara in Indian religions.
  13. What is God’s will, and how can a person understand it?
  14. Atheism: the new universal religion or nihilism?

🥙 Food Research Paper Topics

  1. Does caffeine harm our hearts?
  2. Popular diets, and their benefits and concerns.
  3. Dieting: malnutrition or a healthy lifestyle?
  4. Why is obesity not considered a disease?
  5. What are the factors influencing the taste of wine?
  6. Anorexia and its associated diseases.
  7. Genetically modified products: are they harmless?
  8. The role of social media in stigmatizing obese people.
  9. Acculturation and eating disorders in western countries.
  10. Why is the tastiest food usually unhealthy?
  11. Effect of television marketing on children’s choice of food.
  12. Does vegetarianism provide sufficient nutrition for a human organism?
  13. The eating disorders in adolescent girls.
  14. You are what you eat: a popular myth.

🕯️ Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  1. Utilitarianism: The moral reasoning that prevails in the modern world.
  2. Philosophy of healthcare for women.
  3. Which philosophers support the belief that people are good from nature?
  4. Can a lie be beneficial in some cases?
  5. Natural ethics and individual ethical egoism.
  6. The role of women in philosophy.
  7. Popper’s philosophy of science and falsification.
  8. Global implications of medical ethics.
  9. Differences between religion and philosophy of religion.
  10. The aesthetic experience of humankind in the interaction with nature.
  11. God in Descartes and Nietzsche.
  12. Knowledge vs. vagueness: the universal categories to differentiate.
  13. The relationship between money and happiness.
  14. Why does mind philosophy clash with dualism?
  15. Idealism and its viability in real-life circumstances.

💀 Macbeth Research Paper Topics

  1. Supernatural prophecies: the three witches and their influence on the plot.
  2. Lust for power: the universal theme in Macbeth by W. Shakespeare and the House of Cards (TV series).
  3. Is life senseless in Macbeth? What could be done to add more sense?
  4. Madness and suicide: Did the former cause the latter for Lady Macbeth?
  5. Fate vs. free will: How do the eternal philosophical categories coexist in Macbeth?
  6. Who is to be blamed for King Duncan’s murder?

🧒 Child Development Research Paper Topics

  1. Interview and observation: a case study on child development.
  2. Is gentle parenting effective?
  3. Child development psychology: pregnancy trimesters.
  4. Advanced technologies in a child’s life: The benefits outweigh the harm.
  5. Connection between screen time and child development.
  6. A child’s ego: formation, first signs, and development.
  7. Why were childhood development issues ignored through many ages?
  8. Physical education impact on child development.
  9. How does childhood shape our future destiny?
  10. Classification of parenting types and their description.
  11. Child’s language development and joint attention.
  12. The role of social interaction in a child’s development.
  13. Analyze the problems that can arise at each of the five stages of child development.
  14. Children and families: building strong relationships.
  15. Which aspects of the outside world affect a child during the prenatal stage?

🌍 Interdisciplinary Research Paper Topics

Interdisciplinary research integrates tools and concepts of different disciplines. Its goal is to solve problems that exceed the domain of one particular science or knowledge area. It is where most innovations are born nowadays. Such research allows sharing skills and approaches that were never used in the given disciplines before.

🧠 Cognitive Science Research Paper Topics

Cognitive science explores human behavior, mental processes, and intelligence. Its principal aspects include memory, attention, emotions, and logical reasoning.

  1. Current experiment of false memory.
  2. Is our taste for music an instinct or an acquired skill?
  3. Biological insights into mind functioning.
  4. The impacts of stress on human memory.
  5. Perfect brain functioning and the ways it can fail in a healthy human.
  6. Problem-solving in cognitive psychology.
  7. The mechanism of word selection in stress situations.
  8. How does limited choice make the person happier with the result?
  9. Anxiety disorders: cognitive behavioral therapy.
  10. Can we calculate the boundaries of our information-processing ability?
  11. Cognitive dissonance effects on attitudes and behavior.
  12. The long-term impact of drug abuse on the human brain.
  13. Behavioral and social-cognitive approaches to forming habits.
  14. Boredom in childhood: positive and negative effect on cognitive abilities.
  15. Evaluating the values of affirmation intervention in Jordt’s article.
  16. Intuition: the unexplored sixth sense.
  17. Self-esteem under psychological approaches.
  18. Categorization in human learning.

🌳 Environmental Studies Research Topics

Environmental studies systematize human interaction with the planet and its natural resources. Science intends to determine the ecological and environmental issues that humanity is facing now or will encounter in the future.

  1. Global warming: human responsibility or inevitable natural phenomenon?
  2. The increasing environmental sustainability in the UK.
  3. Earthquakes, wildfires, and landslides are our new reality.
  4. Canadian political and environmental security.
  5. How does the environment define the design of human settlements and dwellings?
  6. Environmental economics issues and policies.
  7. Should humanity prevent animal extinction, or is it a natural process?
  8. Population growth and human activities on environment.
  9. Why are we so calm about global warming?
  10. Paper recycling and its main benefits.
  11. The timeline of ecological crises in world history.
  12. Analyze the climate change in your homeland.
  13. How does global warming affect the wildlife?
  14. Deepwater Horizon oil spill: the affected area and natural consequences.
  15. Analyze the efficiency of the US laws protecting the environment.
  16. Consequences of disposal of medical waste on environment.
  17. The relationship between land use and biodiversity reduction.

🧫 Biotech Topics

As the name suggests, biotechnology is the interlink between biology and technology. It offers a vast area for experimentation and intelligence. Biotechnology is essential for students studying life sciences: medicine, pharmacy, and ecology.

  1. Analyze various evapotranspiration ways and suggest a project that could resolve the water shortage in Africa.
  2. Genetic engineering: the various viewpoints.
  3. Use of molasses in ethanol production.
  4. Biochemical aspects of anti-cancer measures.
  5. Growth and practical use of marine enzymes.
  6. The embryonic stem cell research.
  7. Enhancement and evolutionary change of microorganisms through biotechnology.
  8. Storage systems for renewable energy: the factor of a new technological revolution.
  9. Ethics of using stem cells for tissue regeneration.
  10. Renewable energy technologies promote the economy in villages.
  11. Effects of intercropping oat and lentil on the overall yield on harvest.
  12. Genetic enhancement of plants to withstand drought.
  13. Animal testing ban: counterargument and rebuttal.
  14. Nanotechnological isolation of DNA.

🦹 Gender Studies Topics

Gender studies examine the possibility of shifting gender roles and their impact on a person’s life. It explores family relationships, motherhood, alternative lifestyles, sexual orientations, power distribution between genders, and gender representation in art and business.

  1. Benevolent sexism: do men have to protect women?
  2. Gender differences in military negotiations.
  3. Intimate partner femicide, its causes, and social consequences.
  4. Ethnic and gender diversity issues in policing.
  5. Gamergate and the history of sexism in computer games.
  6. Political quotas and increasing representation of women.
  7. Female genital cutting: ancient rites persist.
  8. Does gender have an effect on emotional memory?
  9. The invisibility of women in the scientific world.
  10. Polysexual people: a variant of the norm?
  11. Gender-neutral parenting and its implications.
  12. Gender influence on deviant acts.
  13. The gendering of vision: you see what you are ready to perceive.
  14. The meanings of different sexual behavior.
  15. Equal play, equal pay: the gender pay gap issue.
  16. Economic opportunities for men and women generate inequality.

🤖 Artificial Intelligence Research Paper Topics

AI projects cover an extensive scope of disciplines and industries. It is a universal method that usually incorporates big data. AI is a self-learning instrument, and its efficiency improves each time it resolves a problem.

  1. E-Learning in the academic industry.
  2. AI and prediction of stock prices and currency rates.
  3. Virtualization, cloud computing, and security.
  4. Customer recommendation systems that get smarter with each new client.
  5. Security of e-government analysis.
  6. Artificial intelligence as a science-based fortunetelling.
  7. Recognition of emotions in public places as a crime prevention method.
  8. Will chatbots ever replace customer support specialists?
  9. E-government service in United Arab Emirates.
  10. The future of voice-based virtual assistants in our everyday life.
  11. AI in headhunting and CV analysis.
  12. Identification of irrelevant information and text shortening.
  13. Brief description of the robotic surgery.
  14. AI-enhanced heart disease research.
  15. Cloud computing in large corporations.

🕵️ Forensic Science Research Paper Topics

Forensic science is one of the crucial elements of contemporary crime-solving. Although its results are often non-conclusive, they offer an insight into the crime circumstances and limit the list of suspects.

  1. Approaches to uncovering and analysis of physical evidence.
  2. Criminal profiling in forensic study.
  3. The limitations of forensic science and probability of false results.
  4. The history of identifying the criminals: what was before fingerprints?
  5. Forensic psychology. juvenile court code in Georgia.
  6. Determining the merits and value of the pieces of evidence.
  7. Forensic accounting and fraud investigation.
  8. The false image of forensic science was created by the mass media.
  9. Forensic nursing in legal proceedings.
  10. Computer forensics: crime investigation.
  11. Computer-aided forensic psychology and its application.
  12. Forensic DNA profiling, facts on DNA mistakes.
  13. Methods of collecting biological evidence on the scene.
  14. Forensic science in archaeology: skeletal remains.
  15. Color analysis of digital images: cases of application.

🚊 Urban Studies Research Topics

Urban studies explore the history of city architecture, its development perspectives, and ways to improve the convenience of living in such a city. It helps us to range human values and needs, predicting their change in the future.

  1. Living urban spaces that promote safety and identity tracking.
  2. Urban sprawl as an environmental issue.
  3. The influence of consumer culture on the urban picture of London.
  4. Urban problems: environmental pollution.
  5. Is urbanization compatible with living in harmony with nature?
  6. Landscape vs. urbanism: can they be combined, or do they exclude each other?
  7. Urban renewal and highways: intergovernmental relations programs.
  8. Automobile dependency dictates city design.
  9. Analyze the most cost-effective projects of pedestrian overpasses.
  10. How can we plan urban development for future decades?
  11. Urban violence: a case study.
  12. Measures to combat unsafe behaviors of drivers.
  13. Is it efficient to use public capital for the construction of municipal buildings?
  14. Protection of city boundaries: is agglomeration inevitable?

🏳️‍🌈 LGBT Research Paper Topics

LGBT or sexual diversity studies focus on gender identity and sexuality issues. The science analyzes the social perception of LGBT+ people, their security, culture, and interaction. It combines sociology, biology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, sexology, and several other humanitarian sciences.

  1. Non-binary or transgender identity: what is the difference?
  2. Psychological adaptation in male partners of gay men with prostate cancer.
  3. The history of lesbianism: evolution and natural causes.
  4. Cultural norm vs. LGBT: historical timeline.
  5. Homosexual relationships in the online media.
  6. Challenges faced by LGBT people and ways to overcome them.
  7. Male perspective: double standards toward gays and lesbians.
  8. Childhood in an LGBT family: is it different?
  9. Homosexuality issues among the military in the modern world.
  10. Gay or lesbian domestic violence.
  11. LGBT teenagers: how could we make their life easier?
  12. Homosexuality in the Bible and its interpretation.
  13. Equal rights for homosexual people.
  14. Why should bisexuality be considered an identity?

The topics above open a small part of the research opportunities in cross-disciplinary areas. For a more comprehensive list of interdisciplinary research topics and new ideas, visit the Individualized & Interdisciplinary Studies Program; the University of Connecticut or Interdisciplinary Studies; Frances Willson Thompson Library | University of Michigan-Flint website.

❓ Fun Research Questions

  1. How do viral internet challenges influence social behavior among teenagers?
  2. How has online dating transformed traditional relationship dynamics?
  3. What are the physiological and psychological effects of ASMR on stress reduction?
  4. In what ways has esports culture challenged and reshaped traditional sports culture?
  5. How do algorithmic music recommendations shape individual music preferences?
  6. What drives the public’s fascination with true crime documentaries?
  7. What are the effects of laughter on stress reduction and overall well-being?
  8. What are the cognitive effects of playing video games on memory and problem-solving skills?
  9. How does the act of giving and receiving compliments impact self-esteem?
  10. How does storytelling impact children’s cognitive development and empathy skills?
  11. How do scent and aroma influence mood and overall psychological well-being?
  12. How does participation in team sports impact social skills and leadership abilities in teenagers?
  13. How do leisure activities such as gardening or cooking contribute to overall life satisfaction and happiness?
  14. What are the emotional responses to different types of music genres?
  15. What role does nostalgia play in the appeal of vintage fashion, particularly among younger generations?

😜 Fun Research Paper Topics

  1. How memes shape humor and communication.
  2. The effects of doodling during meetings on information retention.
  3. The effects of chewing gum shape on concentration levels.
  4. The benefits of laughter yoga on physical and mental health.
  5. The cognitive basis of superstitions and belief in luck.
  6. The psychological implications of talking to yourself in the third person.
  7. The relationship between music and memory.
  8. The psychology of procrastination and motivational factors behind delayed tasks.
  9. The effects of positive affirmations on self-confidence and goal achievement.
  10. The effects of reading fictional novels on real-life problem-solving abilities.
  11. How traveling solo influences personal growth and identity development.
  12. The impact of wearing mismatched socks on decision-making skills.
  13. The psychological implications of collecting Funko Pop figures.
  14. The relationship between horoscope compatibility and relationship success.
  15. The effects of using emojis in professional email communication.

🛑 Research Paper Topics to Avoid

Although it might seem that you can write a research paper literally about anything, here’s a warning. We don’t recommend writing papers on specific topics and formats.

Here are issues to avoid:

🙅‍♀️ Personal stories

You cannot write a research paper about yourself. By definition, a research paper requires you to do research using available sources.

🙅‍♂️ Unique information

If you use non-typical facts, explain why they are relevant to your research. In any case, remember to describe exclusive data, at least general statistics background.

🙅‍♀️ Topics with no available information

You cannot write a research paper on a topic with no available data. Check if you can access the sources while selecting the research question.

🙅‍♂️ Too narrow topics

Following the previous point, too narrow topics are usually too complicated to research. You will struggle with finding relevant information.

🙅‍♀️ Too broad issues

A large amount of data hinders in-depth research. An impressive paper requires precision, which you can achieve by setting the limits of the subject area.

🙅‍♂️ Topics that do not pass the “so what” test

If you can ask “so what” after reading the topic, it is a weak one. It will not engage the reader’s attention.

🙅‍♀️ Research questions with no simple answer

There is a common misbelief that research should be complicated. Start with an assumption that your paper will confirm or disprove.

Some students avoid controversial topics, such as the death penalty or abortions, for fear of offending someone. Remember that research papers are not about your opinion. They are about facts and logical reasoning.

454 topics above were meant to demonstrate that paper writing can be fun.

All you need to do – is choose a catchy and exciting topic.

If this list wasn’t enough for you, we have other topic compilations that might be helpful.

Check out:

This is it.

Good luck with your writing 🍀

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